
Day 16

Wrap up day! We went over what I've done in the past 3 weeks and how I can reflect this into my study. I think it's a really wonderful opportunity to work with such a media as VICE Indonesia. I get to know different kinds of job, the media workflows, the pace, and it was intense. People there are so helpful and friendly, which is what I'm looking for. I'm sure this internship is very successful since I got to work on different job experiences, got myself a photo essay (will be published soon), and helping with the upcoming contents. Will say I want to intern longer, and if I ever have a chance I want to be the part of VICE Indonesia and International family as well.

Day 15

Today we were shooting one of the most popular social movement back home, Generasi 90an, means the 90s Generations. The interview is all about the 90s era and how it influences the pop culture and why most people can relate. Pretty amazing that I could try some of the shoots from the B-side camera, also I was mainly helping with gears and lighting equipments.

Day 14

Today we are doing interview of several dubber casts for the 90s cartoon. We brought 2 cameras set up, the main camera and side-b camera. I'm helping with the gear and set ups, since it requires precision and I wasn't confident enough to take the camera myself.

Day 13

A preview to my photo-essay! I sent the whole body of work to the editor, to be published later. After that I talked to the team for tomorrow shoot, because I will be helping with their new project

Day 12

Today I come to the office as always, talk and present my work. I edited my work beforehand as well, and pre select several pictures and the cover picture. After that I wrote short essay / story about the series, in Indonesian because this is only for the national-wide content.

Day 11 - Sunday Shoot

So I started the day with checking up my equipments, making sure everything's ready. We are agreed to meet at 3pm local time, and ended up pretty late at night. I'm doing a photo essay about Gaming Console and Arcade collector. I arrived 30 minutes early, and settle up, ended up talking to him, also interviewed and took pictures

Day 10

I got the interviewee, and we are deciding to take pictures on this Sunday, so that would be day 11 for me. Also we are having lenses demo today, mostly just run through on lenses that VICE use a lot. The rest of the day is pretty chill and we are bond to get know each other more.